The standard Afnor NF Z42-026, relating to the definition of specifications for services of faithful digitisation of document in a paper medium and upon the control of such services, is a text, which describes a process between two actors: the Order Giver (OG) and the Operator (OP) (the service provider). Several stages are described in the standard and the reference material for certification NF 544. Certain tasks relate to the order giver and other to the operator.
For any archiving service wishing, for example, to digitise paper archives, or for a mail room wishing to digitise documents, in order to circulate them in an electronic format in the business’s professional applications, the standard provides a description of the process to be implemented. Of course, these processes already exist in digitising workshops.
The new Convention on Digitising (CDN) , which existed until then under various forms, allows the detailing of the organisational and technical framework of the service: Type of document to be digitised, configurations associated with digitisation, operations to be carried out, indexing, digital deliverables, time period to produce the deliverable, conservation condition of the paper documents, condition for the return of documents post-digitisation or for their destruction, etc.
For the OG, it is important to have the tools to monitor the batches of documents sent over to its or their service providers and to integrate the digital deliverable into its EFS. The new “A4 NF544” option from Spark Ajantâ allows order givers (OGs) to manage the monitoring process of digitising works at a service provider certified as NF 544
The OG must prepare the batches of paper documents which he wishes to send to the OP, so that the latter digitises them conforming with standard NF Z42-026. During the qualification and contracting phase, the OP must enquire from the OG about obtaining some sample types of batches, so as to refine the digitising parameters.
In response to these 2 requirements, “A4 NF544” offers many functionalities:
- Creating a request to digitise a batch of papers
- Creating a request for a sample of paper documents
The two initial functions generate a request allowing the issue of a delivery note describing the batches. This note accompanies the paper documents sent to the OP. A potential preparation notice close to the delivery note could also be generated, in order to allow the OG to prepare the paper documents for despatch to the OP.
“A4 NF544” allows the identification of each batch in a unique manner. The digitisation request is timestamped and logged.
A time period for digitising and return of the deliverables is associated with each request in conformity with the CDN. This time period is managed by “A4 NF544”, which allows the listing of batches with delay in delivery on the OP’s part. As specified by standard NF Z42-026, the OG is also committed to monitoring a time period for the validation of digital deliverables delivered by the OP. It is therefore necessary to monitor the management of batches received for validation. The CDN has set up a time period for the notification of rejection. It is therefore essential that the OG can monitor his activities and verify that he is not outside of the time period for notification of rejection. For his part, the OP is committed to a time period for the processing and return of rejects, but also for the destruction of digital copes produced after validation from the OG.
In order to respond to these requirements and to allow the timely monitoring of batches for digitisation, “A4 NF544” allows to list for every batch sent:
- the batch’s creation date
- the batch’s despatch date to the OP
- the intended date for receiving the digital receivables from the OP
- the intended date of the end of validation processing from the OG
- the date and hour of rejects sent to the OP
- the date and hour of return of the deliverable following a rejection
“A4 NF544” also allows knowledge of the exact status of each batch not closed-off.
In the case when a batch is rejected in whole or in part, “A4 NF544” produces a PDF of the rejection notice with details on the reject. This notice is archived on the EFS of Spark Ajantâ and can then be sent to the OP.
In the case of a validation of a batch by the OG, “A4 NF544” produces a PDF of the batch’s validation. This notice is archived on the EFS and can then be sent to the OP. This notice includes the desired fate of the paper documents: Destruction or return of the paper documents.
The function allowing the listing of digitisation requests in progress also allows the production of a list of requests in progress per service provider. This list could be limited to one period by the provision of a range of dates.
"A4 NF544" allows the updating of a request’s status due to various events, which may intervene during each request. A request could have been halted following a loss of paper documents, a time period could be extended or frozen following agreement between the OG and the OP.
Post-digitisation, the OP must be in a position to return the digitised document batches, in order to request a validation from the OG. Upon receipt of the digitised contents, the OG can proceed to the verification of the expected digital contents with his "A4 NF544" application.
Before any validation, the OG must acknowledge receipt of the digital deliverable with the OP by a configurable means, such as, for example, the sending of an email carrying the information useful for this acknowledgement of receipt function.
"A4 NF544" allows the verification of deliverables emanating from the OP. It verifies the identity of the deliverable in regard to the paper batch sent, the structure of the deliverable, the completeness of the batch, the integrity of the digital contents via verification of the footprints made by the OP, the quality and the faithfulness of the images produced by the OP and observance of the time periods for producing the deliverable.
"A4 NF544" specifies the time period to be observed in the checking of deliverables and giving notice of rejection. The deliverable can be verified during one or several phases. As a consequence, one delivered batch can be opened and closed several times before being closed-off. In case of total or partial rejection, "A4 NF544" allows the reasoning for the rejection, by producing an electronic notice of rejection, which will be sent to the OP with the grounds for rejection and the potential associated files. The rejection is logged.
In possessing no more paper documents, the OG must be in a position, if this is foreseen contractually, to request the OP to send certain paper documents, in order to perform a visual check on the faithfulness of the document. "A4 NF544" makes available a function for requesting the return of paper documents, which is sent to the OP. The request is registered and logged.
When a digital batch has been validated by the OG, Spark Ajantâ proceeds to the archiving of digital deliverables, in order to generate faithful copies in the sense of the Civil Code.
If the archiving has not happened properly or if the digital contents are lost at the moment of archiving, the OG can have access to a function allowing the fresh requesting from the OP of the digital deliverable.
If the archiving has concluded successfully, the OG can notify the OP that the deliverable is accepted, via a notice generated by "A4 NF544". The OP is then in a position to implement the final fate of the paper and digital batch.
"A4 NF544" allows the updating of the batch’s status upon receipt of the paper batch returned by the OP or upon receipt of a declaration of destruction produced by the OP. This digital declaration is then archived and linked as an element of proof with the digital batch.
Post-digitisation, the OP must be in a position to return the digitised document batches, in order to request a validation from the OG. Upon receipt of the digitised contents, the OG can proceed to the verification of the expected digital contents with his "A4 NF544" application.
Before any validation, the OG must acknowledge receipt of the digital deliverable with the OP by a configurable means, such as, for example, the sending of an email carrying the information useful for this acknowledgement of receipt function.
"A4 NF544" allows the verification of deliverables emanating from the OP. It verifies the identity of the deliverable in regard to the paper batch sent, the structure of the deliverable, the completeness of the batch, the integrity of the digital contents via verification of the footprints made by the OP, the quality and the faithfulness of the images produced by the OP and observance of the time periods for producing the deliverable.
"A4 NF544" specifies the time period to be observed in the checking of deliverables and giving notice of rejection. The deliverable can be verified during one or several phases. As a consequence, one delivered batch can be opened and closed several times before being closed-off. In case of total or partial rejection, "A4 NF544" allows the reasoning for the rejection, by producing an electronic notice of rejection, which will be sent to the OP with the grounds for rejection and the potential associated files. The rejection is logged.
In possessing no more paper documents, the OG must be in a position, if this is foreseen contractually, to request the OP to send certain paper documents, in order to perform a visual check on the faithfulness of the document. "A4 NF544" makes available a function for requesting the return of paper documents, which is sent to the OP. The request is registered and logged.
When a digital batch has been validated by the OG, Spark Ajantâ proceeds to the archiving of digital deliverables, in order to generate faithful copies in the sense of the Civil Code.
If the archiving has not happened properly or if the digital contents are lost at the moment of archiving, the OG can have access to a function allowing the fresh requesting from the OP of the digital deliverable.
If the archiving has concluded successfully, the OG can notify the OP that the deliverable is accepted, via a notice generated by "A4 NF544". The OP is then in a position to implement the final fate of the paper and digital batch.
"A4 NF544" allows the updating of the batch’s status upon receipt of the paper batch returned by the OP or upon receipt of a declaration of destruction produced by the OP. This digital declaration is then archived and linked as an element of proof with the digital batch.
When the digital deliverable is suitably verified, "A4 NF544" proceeds to the archiving within the Spark Ajantâ EFS. During viewing in Spark Ajantâ of a document digitised using a "A4 NF544" process, it is possible to gain access to the history of the associated request, to the declaration of digitisation, if it has been requested, as well as the copy of the Digitising Convention, which governed the service provision and to all of the notices exchanged.
The time periods for digitising, validating the deliverables, notices of rejection, re-accepting a rejection from the OP are contractual.
To demonstrate the timeline, "A4 NF544" traces and logs all the management operations for all of the requests. The logs are archived in the Spark Ajantâ EFS.
The declaration of faithful digitisation is an optional document, issued by the OP. It could, for example, be a matter of a document in PDF format signed electronically by the operator. It allows the justification of the faithful nature of the digitisation carried out by an OP. Faithfulness is linked to the service provision of digitisation described in the Convention On Digitisation. The declaration must therefore systematically refer to the Convention On Digitisation, as faithfulness is linked to the service provision described in the Convention. The declaration allows the OG to preserve the traceability and the context implemented by the OP to carry out the faithful digitisation.
If the declaration is a prerequisite for acceptance of the deliverable, it is important that the presence of the declaration be verified. "A4 NF544" verifies the presence of the declaration within the digital deliverables.
The time periods for digitising, validating the deliverables, notices of rejection, re-accepting a rejection from the OP are contractual.
To demonstrate the timeline, "A4 NF544" traces and logs all the management operations for all of the requests. The logs are archived in the Spark Ajantâ EFS.
The declaration of faithful digitisation is an optional document, issued by the OP. It could, for example, be a matter of a document in PDF format signed electronically by the operator. It allows the justification of the faithful nature of the digitisation carried out by an OP. Faithfulness is linked to the service provision of digitisation described in the Convention On Digitisation. The declaration must therefore systematically refer to the Convention On Digitisation, as faithfulness is linked to the service provision described in the Convention. The declaration allows the OG to preserve the traceability and the context implemented by the OP to carry out the faithful digitisation.
If the declaration is a prerequisite for acceptance of the deliverable, it is important that the presence of the declaration be verified. "A4 NF544" verifies the presence of the declaration within the digital deliverables.
To learn more about "A4 NF544", contact the Sales Team at Spark Archives.
Archiving and Record Management