
SAFE - Spark Ajantâ First Edition - A record management system delivered in only a few weeks | Spark Archives

SAFE - Spark Ajantâ First Edition - A record management system delivered in only a few weeks

SAFE – Spark Ajantâ First Edition – Data governance at hands


A record management system for record managers

Our consultants and experts have a real expertise with day to day issues raised by records management processes. SAFE was thought by records managers  for records managers. Spark Archives First Edition (SAFE) is one of Spark Archives software solution. The modules and functionalities enables to manage data, records and archives in a smart and easy way.

SAFE product  covers 100 % of enterprises and organizations basic needs regarding analog and electronic records management. This packaged solution enables to handle transfer operations, search capacities, access and consultation, reintegration, records  move, disposal process as well as repositories administration. If necessary, additional modules  can be added like e-discovery, thumbnail, …. 

SAFE – An hybrid records management system

SAFE offers to address hybrid records : paper-based, analog and electronic.
In all cases, SAFE ensures content management, integrity and security on long-term period. 
The only difference is that paper-based and analog records are stored in a physical location, whereas electronic records and secured in digital stores. 
Traceability allows to control quality processes  throughout records and archives lifecycle. SAFE is a solution which manages and control records respecting conservation policy based on businesses standards. 
Business modules and fonctionnalities proposed are allocated to manage 
-    part of its operations to  ensure the management of paper-based and analog  records and archives through the platform (consultation, reintegration…) 
-    and part of its operations to the management of digital records and archives (identification, format control, electronic transfer,import…)

SAFE - A record management system delivered in only a few weeks

SAFE is a simple and intuitive solution, adapted to customers and to records managers activities. There is no need to implement a complex and detailed specifications study : a pragmatic and agile approach is mostly preferred.

SAFE solution deployment requires only a few weeks. Easy to use, SAFE doesn’t require training for end-users,  only a training session for records managers and administrators to  facilitate the handling of the application.

SAFE - an economic and bilingual SAE

SAFE is the most economic hybrid records management  solution currently on the market. SAFE is available in French and in English. It is extremely competitive and allows an immediate ROI. Just try it !

SAFE - An open architecture

If you wish to secure and preserve your data in your Information system, SAFE can easily be implemented. SAFE operates with Open source PostgreSQL in a Tomcat / Apache Java secured environment. 
SAFE uses http(s) protocol and requires no deployment on customers computers. SAFE operates with the market main browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer). No plug-in or extension needs to be implemented. In addition, a variant of SAFE also is available in SAAS.

SAFE and standards

SAFE produces daily logs of events through its "audit trail" and covers entirely all needs in term of compliance  with a NF Z42-013 electronic record and archive management system. Records  lifecycle logs and journal contains records, archives and their metadatas timestamped with their  hashes. The log journal is chained and sealed, its ensures SAE records integrity.

SAFE - A secure OWASP record management system

SAFE offers a digital safe component implemented through Spark Archives electronic storage systems. To prevent risks for archived contents nor their metadatas, SAFE is regularly checked  by a qualified audit provider in security breach (PASSI in French). This PASSI makes intrusion tests cases to verify SAFE robustness. Conclusion are astonishing, developed with a "security by design" approach, SAFE is certified to resist to the 10 most critical Web application security risks (OWASP top 10). SAFE implementation can easily be integrated into a ISO 27001 ISMS.

Contac us

Do you wish a presentation of SAFE? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We will come to you to  present you this brand new and turnkey offer.

Spark Archives
Sales department
Phone number : +33 (0)1 46 29 25 25
Email : sparkarchives@kleegroup.com



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Spark Archives, a solution provided by KLEE GROUP


Spark Archives
La Boursidière
92357 Le Plessis-Robinson Cedex

+33 (0)1 46 29 25 25


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